Making Something New From Old

I have always loved vintage and antique jewelry and accessories. Jewelry easy to wear so no problem but what about shoe clips or dress clips or even that broken piece of jewelry.  I decided that I would start using these old forgotten pieces and create jewelry using them.  One thing I do not do is damage, bend ,shape, drill or alter a perfectly good piece of vintage jewelry. It must be broken or missing something like the other half of the buckle.  I do use vintage dress clips but never ever drill them I just wire wrap a bail and you have a ready pendant.  Here are a few examples:




Works in Progress week ?: sometimes life gets in the way

Can’t believe it already mid April. So was faithfully do my blog posts with my completed WIP pieces.  Well…..end of Feb went on vacation. Then my daughter got sick. Then I got sick and then well the weather kinda started getting nice. and then my obsession with beads and vintage pieces got in the way and I didn’t use the already started pieces on my work table. Not for a few weeks. I do now have some completed. Here is a photo that I had wipwk4

before of some WIP.

Here are a few completed pieces:



So not sure what week I should be on but at least I am back at it!