Weekly Goals……Completed Stamped Solder Jewelry

Not sure what week this should be but I have completed several pieces from my WIP section of my work area.  Here is a reminder of some of the stamped solder pieces I had started:

wip1a wipwk4

I have used some of these but never shared them here as I had wanted to. I guess I met part of my goal :completing half started projects. So here are a few creations:

stampedearrings3a stampedmulti4a stampedskull5stampedflowernecklace2 stampedgreen1stampedbutterfly1 stampedflowerbracelet5

Works in Progress week ?: sometimes life gets in the way

Can’t believe it already mid April. So was faithfully do my blog posts with my completed WIP pieces.  Well…..end of Feb went on vacation. Then my daughter got sick. Then I got sick and then well the weather kinda started getting nice. and then my obsession with beads and vintage pieces got in the way and I didn’t use the already started pieces on my work table. Not for a few weeks. I do now have some completed. Here is a photo that I had wipwk4

before of some WIP.

Here are a few completed pieces:



So not sure what week I should be on but at least I am back at it!

Works in Progress Week Four: Need Some Summer!

Week four of completing an unfinished piece from my work space. We have had frigid temperatures and snow here so I decided to use the bee! Nothing says summer more than bees buzzing around the beautiful flowers.


For the bee piece:

1.I stamped a honeycomb design into a piece of raw brass.

2. I then colored some Ice Resin to mimic honey and added the resin to the wells in the honeycomb design.

3. After the resin cured I cut the piece out ( but I think next time I will cut the pieces of brass and then add the resin.

4. Riveted the bee onto the honey comb base. The bee was raw brass which I colored using acrylic paints.

5. Used various vintage and new beads to complete the necklace.


This was a fun necklace to make! Now to keep going for week five!


See what I come up with!

Meeting Goals: Works in Progress Week 3: To Tassel or Not

So now into week three of my weekly goals.  Pretty good for me! I chose one of the items from last week to complete so I still met my goal.  Here is a reminder of the WIP.


I used the piece in the first photo.  Worked in my usual style with incorporating as many vintage components as possible.  Then I took the plunge and added a tassel.  I don’t wear longer necklaces so I tend to shy away from making them. This was an experiment.


My question now is to keep the tassel or not? What do you think?

For next week I will work on the hot pink Iced Enameled cuff or perhaps this bee:


Meeting Goals:Works in Pogress Week 2

Last week I said maybe a goal for this year would be to complete all of the works in progress that are cluttering up my work space.

I shared some photos and I did actually complete two pieces.  Now granted for the flower and snail I decided all I wanted was a simple chain so that was no big deal….but then again it is now a necklace so it is a big deal (at least to me)  Here is a collage of the before and afters.


So now onto week 2:


Again both pieces started many months ago maybe even 1/2 a year ago! Both pieces used Ice Enamels and Ice Resin.  The bezel piece I added some vintage enamel pieces into the Ice Resin. love the glass like finish.  Now lets see if I can complete the pieces from week 2!